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Our Current Needs

Easton Maudit Refurbishment


Our Easton Maudit home is undergoing a full renovation. Providing 9 Supported Living Flats and Residential accommodation for 6 people. Oakfield Easton Maudit has predominantely been a Residential home for the past 40 years, supporting adults with moderate to sever learning disabilities.


Our Easton Maudit home was purpose built in the 80's and is now out of date and not fit for purpose.                                     

Oakfield Community has planned the works of a full renovation of our Easton Maudit premises to achieve the transfer of our Easton Maudit home from a Residential setting to both Residential and Supported Living.


  • be empowered
  • have more financial control over their monies
  • live independently with support as appropriate
  • be provided with a “forever home” should the individual wish to remain
  • having a tenancy agreement, providing long term stability of accommodation
  • have more choice on the level of support they need to go about their daily lives
  • privacy when they choose to be alone
  • An increased income for the Oakfield Community Charity
  • Increased rent fees through housing benefit for individuals
  • An increased income for the Oakfield Community Charity
  • Increased rent fees through housing benefit for individuals
  • Sustainability and financial security for the Charity 
  • Long term tenancy agreements
  • Increased income from additional accommodation
  • Improved carbon footprint with green energy alternatives
  • Solar panels for hot water and heating
  • Improved thermal efficiency with insulation and external cladding to the exterior of the building
  • Improved premises with reduced maintenance and repairs
  • Renovations to ensure internal and external maintenance is reduced with appropriate fixtures and fittings

Opportunity and Support Fund


Oakfield Community have been providing Residential Accommodation and supporting adults with moderate to severe learning disabilities for almost 40 years. In order to continue to provide the level of care needed, to some of the most vulnerable people of our society, we must raise additional funds that are desperately needed to cover the cost of essential items, activities, leisure, equipment and additional support.


Due to the limited income for those in residential care it is a struggle to ensure that each person is able to attend and experience different activities and hobbies. Under the Residential model, individuals are supported through their Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independent Payment. As Local Authorities are responsible to ensure that individuals are provided with the right accommodation, care, and support for their needs people are placed with Oakfield Community through their funding local authority. Due to their needs, under the residential model much of the benefit is controlled by local government, a contract is in place for them to pay Oakfield for the care, support, and accommodation. From the benefits each resident receives after their accommodation and care costs they have approximately £25 per week left to cover the purchase of essential toiletries, social activities, clothing, and anything else that they may need. £25 cannot cover the true amount that each individual requires to purchase essential toiletries, clothing and lead a full and active life.

Oakfield Community supports all our residents where possible. We buy in different activities such as one day a week fitness classes, once a month in house discos.

There is so much opportunity for our residents to lead active lives in the wider community, but the lack of funds is restricting access for so many. 


  • Suitable Clothing purchased
  • Equipment to assist with needs, Furniture as it is needed
  • Funds to cover the additional cost when staff accompany individuals 24/7 during hospital stays
  • All able to access social interaction and gain experience and memories of different activities.

Planned Expansion of Vocational Training and Developing Skills


Oakfield plans to extend the "Good Life Project" to support more Adults but also offer a wider selection of vocational skills, employability and to develop individual independence for better life choices. Oakfield sits within a rural location and can offer learning and training within horticulture, husbandry, and woodwork. By extending our service we will be able to support more adults widening their opportunities, reducing isolation, building friendships, and socialising opportunities. Building skills that will enhance lives of those who are disabled and giving them future employment options.

To do this we need to create a wider area of the land into accessible pathways, additional classrooms, fully accessible facilities, creation of 2 further paddocks. Completely renovating the existing project into a fully functioning resource for some of the most vulnerable people in our society. Building on their strengths and supporting them through development to build better, meaningful lives.

We intend to create raised beds for growing vegetables and plants. Re-site our polytunnels and purchase 2 larger versions. We intend to be self-sufficient with fruit and vegetable for our 2 services and sell our produce to the local community. Have an area for small animals and stables and paddocks for ponies and other large animals. Create an outdoor gym area for physical exercise and fun.

We intend to extend the opportunities for creativity and self-expression through music, dance and drama, and enable people with learning disabilities to grow in confidence and self-esteem.


  • To empower those with learning disabilities to achieve and live a fulfilling life
  • Provide support and learning of a range of vocational skills to improve people's opportunities
  • Aid people with training and support to reach their full potential
  • Work with people to reduce isolation, loneliness, build and strengthen long lasting social friendships.
  • Give those with limited options an opportunity to learn and develop. 
  • Excited to get up in the morning
  • Support Voluntary and Employment opportunities
  • Provide a safe, stimulating learning environment.
  • To provide different methods of learning to accommodate the needs of those attending.
  • Working with local people in the local community to introduce, maintain and grow acceptance and inclusion.
  • Doing things is “Better Together”, making a big difference in a small community.
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